Creating user accounts with the utility

  1. Log in to the applicable portal with your portal data administrator credentials.
  2. On the portal administration Main page, select Activity > User Account Management Utility.
    Note: For portals that use a side menu, you must expand the hamburger menu icon to access administration pages.
  3. In the Create section of the utility, specify this information:
    Account Type
    This field displays the portal type to which you have logged in and for which you are creating an account.
    User ID
    Specify the user ID for the portal account.
    Specify a temporary password. After receiving notification that the account has been created, the user must change this password.
    Retype Password
    Specify the temporary password again for confirmation.
    Specify the user’s first and last name.
    Specify the user’s primary email address. Any messages resulting from actions on the portal are sent to this address, based on event notification settings.
    Customer applies to only Customer and Reseller portals. Specify the customer ID to be associated with this portal user account. Vendor applies to only the Vendor Portal. Specify the vendor ID to be associated with this portal user account.
  4. The Notify User check box is selected by default so that an email message containing the user ID and portal URL is sent to the user. This message includes a link that the user must click to assign a password for the account.
    Note: If you clear this field, then no email message is sent to the user. You would need to communicate the information to the user in another way. See Providing login information to new users.
  5. Optionally, to allow a customer user to add more users for their account, or to allow a reseller user to register new customer accounts, select Can Create Users. For more information about this setting, see the portal administration guide appendix about adding users manually.
  6. Click Create. These are the results:
    • This portal user account is created on the Users form in all sites in the portal site group. The Customer Users record (for customers or resellers) is created in all sites, or the Vendor Users record is created in the Primary Site.
    • When Notify User is selected, a new record is created in the tmp_password_change_ctrl table. The record contains a password change token and a password change expiration timestamp. The timestamp is set to the current date/time plus the password assignment period that is specified on the Settings form. Also, an email message is sent to the user with portal account information and the link for assigning a password.

      See also Managing portal settings and About the portals Set Password process.

    • If selected here, the Can Create Users option is also selected on the Customer Users form.
    • The user license is added.
    • The Send Email Notification option is selected on the Customer Users or Vendor Users form, so portal users receive email messages resulting from their actions on the portal. If you do not want portal users to receive email messages, you must manually clear the Send Email Notification option.
      Note: By default, portal users receive standard email messages from the back office event system. If you set the portal parameter to Use Portal Email and configured the portal email settings, then users receive rich-HTML portal email messages instead of the standard messages. However, this setup does not apply to emails generated for user account creation and the Set Password process. These messages always use rich text.