Setting up a portal on your own domain
Note: Before you begin this task, you must already have a valid host name in DNS that is
mapped to the Infor-provided host name, using an alias, and you must have a signed
digital certificate for your host name. This setup is typically performed by a
network administrator or other IT professional and is not part of the IPF portal
setup. In general, these tasks must be completed:
- Assuming your original domain/subdomain is already registered, add the new host name to use
for your portal website and obtain a signed digital certificate for it. See
"System requirements" for certificate requirements.
We recommend that this task is performed first, because an organization must prove that they own a domain in order to obtain a signed certificate. If the portal host name on your domain is aliased to the Infor-provided host name first, the request for a certificate may be denied.
To add your new host name in IPF, follow these steps: