Vendor Portal pages

The Vendor Portal web pages are described in this section, including back office mapping detail when applicable.

Announcements page

This page shows announcements from your company. Announcements are added using the portal Administrator mode pages. See Maintaining knowledge content.

Consigned Inventory page

On this page, consigned items are listed, starting with items that have the greatest need for replenishment. Suggested replenishment is calculated by subtracting on-hand quantity from the minimum quantity.

If no search parameter is selected, the page shows all consigned items from the logged-in vendor. The details grid contains this data:

  • Item: The vendor item number from the Vendor Contracts form, or the back office item number from the Items form for the signed in vendor.
  • Description: The item description from the Items form.
  • Min Qty: The lower boundary set for managing inventory quantities at a consignment warehouse for a specific item, from the Item/Warehouse form.
  • Max Qty: The upper boundary set for managing inventory quantities at a consignment warehouse for a specific item, from the Item/Warehouse form.
  • On Hand Qty: Inventory on hand at a consignment warehouse for a specific item, from the Item/Warehouse form.

Values for calculating past consumption are also taken from the Item/Warehouse form and are based on the start and end dates specified by the user.

Contact Us page

This page shows contact information for your company. The Contact Information section gets information from the back office General Parameters form.

If an email address is provided on the General Parameters form, portal users can click Send Questions or Comments on this page, which opens a default email client so they can send their messages.

Documents page

This page is used to download relevant documents from the portal. Vendors can also upload documents using this page.

Documents are files that are attached to purchase order and product price contract records, to provide additional information. Documents can provide general information, such as shipping terms and general contract specifications, and be made available to all website users. Documents also can provide specific information, such as order requirements and material test results, and be made available to individual vendors.

If no search parameter is selected, the Documents page shows all vendor documents uploaded by a back office vendor service representative that are accessible to the logged-in portal user, and all documents uploaded by the portal user and approved by a vendor service representative. To view documents related to specific back office records, portal users must click the documents icon shown with an individual record on the related portal pages.

The details grid on the Documents page contains information from the back office Documents form, and from the portal Document Upload form for documents added via the portal.

Inbox page

This page shows any messages sent to the user, such as confirmations of changes requested on the portal. The page contains messages generated by the back office event system.

Interactions page

This page is used to enter and respond to messages related to records on the portal.

Interactions are messages sent back and forth about a selected record. Specific interactions can be accessed from certain portal pages, such as Purchase Orders or Product Price Contracts. Also, users can search through all interactions, listed by date, on the Interactions page.

If no search parameter is selected, the Interactions page shows all interaction records for the vendor. The records may have been created by a vendor service representative in the back office or by the vendor using the portal.

The details grid on the Interactions page contains information from the Vendor Interactions form for records added in the back office, and from the Interactions page for interactions added via the portal. In multi-site implementations, the Interaction ID in the grid includes a site code to identify which site the interaction relates to.

Inventory Level Projection page

This page shows the projected inventory level in tabular format for a selected item and date range. It also shows a comparison between the safety stock level and inventory level in graph format for the given date range.
Note: Projected inventory levels displayed on the portal do not include planned orders.

The page shows data from the back office Inventory Levels form for the logged-in vendor’s contracted items. It also uses plan horizon (days) from the Planning Parameters form for the default start and end dates.

This form uses an item category filter, which shows data only if an item, category, and vendor association is made using the Item Categories form.

Item Price Requests page

On this page, item price requests are displayed in descending order by response due date.

The page is used to review price requests and respond to them. Vendors can also update or delete price responses that have not been accepted or closed.

Item price requests data is taken from the back office Item Price Requests form for the logged-in vendor. Only items that have a category assigned and are associated with the logged-in vendor are displayed.

Knowledge content pages

The portal knowledge content pages are for reviewing your company press releases, videos, white papers, and FAQs. You add and maintain content for these pages by accessing the portal in Administrator mode. See Maintaining knowledge content.

Login page

The Login page is used to sign in to the portal after the user has a user ID and password. On this page a user can click the Forgot User ID? and Forgot Password? links, if they need help signing in.

For the user ID, a pop-up message instructs them to contact your company for assistance. The message also provides a link to the Contact Us page, which shows your company contact information.

For the password, the user is prompted to enter the account email address, so a password reset link can be sent. Your portal support email address and phone number are also displayed with this message.

My Company Profile page

This page shows the vendor’s company profile information. The fields on this page are mapped to fields on the back office Vendors form. If the user clicks Edit and then Submit to change information on this page, one of these workflow event handlers fires:

  • Approve Portal Company General Change
  • Approve Portal Address Change
  • Approve Portal Contact Change

In addition, the Retrieve Modified Property and Label event handler is used to implement the other event handlers. The handlers notify a designated back office user about the request and ask for approval/rejection of the request. If the user approves the request, the change is made in the back office, and the portal user receives a notification on the portal Inbox page. If the user rejects the request, the portal user receives a notification on the portal Inbox page.

My Profile page

This page shows the vendor’s profile information. The portal user can edit profile information on this page, other than the user ID, and the changes take effect immediately. Fields are mapped in this way:

  • The user ID, name, and email address are taken from the back office Users form.
  • The password (displayed by using the Change Password link) is mapped to the Password field on the Users form.
  • If the portal user selects Confirmations, the Send Email Notification field is automatically selected for this user on the Vendor Users form. The system sends event notifications to the specified email address as well as to the portal Inbox page.
  • If a portal user chooses to receive emails for any other option listed, the user is automatically added to the Publication Subscribers form with the appropriate publications.

On Time Delivery page

This page is used to review on-time delivery percentage for a given month range, and by shipped-to location if applicable. On-time delivery values are found by comparing the total number of purchase order lines due with the number of those lines received in full by the due date, or partially received with a status of Filled or Complete.

Value calculations consider this information:

  • Data from all sites that are part of a multi-site company
  • Both regular and blanket purchase orders
  • Purchase orders with a status of Ordered or Complete
  • Purchase order lines or releases with a status of Ordered, Filled, or Complete and a line or release due date that is less than the last day of the current month

The fields on the On Time Delivery page are mapped to fields on the back office Vendors or Multi-Site Vendors forms.

When the page is first opened, the start date is set to three months prior to the current month/year and the end date is set to the end of the current month/year. If these fields are left blank on the Vendor Portal, then data from the month/year of the first PO Line due date available in the back office, excluding history purchase orders, is shown for the logged-in vendor. History purchase orders are not considered for on-time delivery percentages.

If the number of order lines received in full by the due date in the back office does not match what the logged-in vendor expects to see on the portal, the discrepancy may be due to one of these events:

  • The vendor shipment may not have made it to you by the PO line due date, even though it was shipped on time.
  • You did not receive the material into the back office system the day it was received at the dock.
  • You received the material into the back office system with a date prior to or later than the actual receipt date. This can occur by overwriting the transaction date on the Purchase Order Receiving form.
  • Although the vendor shipped the line in full and you received it in full by the PO line due date, there may have been subsequent quantity returns to the line that were not re-shipped by the vendor (and re-received into the back office) before the PO line due date.

Planned Orders page

This page is used to review planned orders generated during the latest planner run for the items vendors supply. Vendors may also be able to confirm planned orders online, to convert them to purchase orders or purchase order requisitions.

The data fields on this page are mapped to fields on the back office Planning Detail form.

If dock-to-stock days exist for an item on the Planning Detail form, then the planned due date displayed on the portal will be different from the due date on the Planning Detail form, because the due date on the portal is reduced by dock-to-stock days before it is displayed to portal users. The portal planned order firming process does not reduce the date any further.

The Confirm check box for firming planned orders is available for use by vendors if the Allow to Firm PLNs option is selected on the back office Vendor Contracts, Vendors, or Multi-Site Vendors forms. See Setting up planned orders.

Product Price Contracts page

On this page, contracted items are listed in ascending order by item number. The page is used for these tasks:

  • Review approved and pending price contracts for the items.
  • Submit a new price break request for approval, for an existing contract.
  • Update pricing information for pending requests.
  • Delete pending requests that have not yet been approved.
  • View and enter interactions for a selected product price contract.
  • View and upload documents for a selected product price contract.

This page shows summary data from the back office Vendor Contracts form and detail data from the Vendor Contract Prices form.

Purchase Orders page

On this page, purchase orders with a status of Ordered or Complete are displayed. Orders are sorted first by status in descending order and then by order date in ascending order. For example, the oldest PO that is still in Ordered status is displayed first.

The page shows data from the back office Purchase Orders and Purchase Order Lines forms. The picture displayed with each item is taken from the Items form.