Loading a saved portal configuration
To save time when creating additional portals, you can load a saved portal configuration.
- In the Portal Manager, select Portal Configuration > Load Configuration.
- On the form that opens, locate and select the configuration file and click Open.
Click Load.
If the settings you load change the authenticator data source of the current portal, you are prompted to assign portal administrator permissions before the Portal Manager is closed. This allows you to sign in to the updated Portal Manager.
You may also be asked if you want to keep other existing settings, such as the portal pre-login user, external interface portal user account, and/or the component set users and groups permissions. If you choose not to keep existing settings, you must sign in to the updated Portal Manager and complete one or more of these tasks:
- Initialize the portal pre-login user. Select Portal Configuration > Session Initialization. Click Initialize Pre-Login User. Specify the credentials for the pre-login user as set up in the back office. Click Validate. Click Save.
- Reset the component set permissions. Select Portal Configuration > Permissions. One by one, select each component set and click Edit to reset the required users and/or groups. Click Save.
- Reset the external interface permissions. This is necessary only if you are using external interface mapping for portal email. Select Portal Configuration > External Interface. Select the appropriate tab and click Edit. Update the Portal User Account field. Click OK. Click Save.