Setting up items and pictures

Back office items are set up on the Items form. In order for the items and pictures to be displayed on the portal, complete this additional task. Also see Guidelines for pictures used on the portals.

  1. Open the Items form.
  2. On the Overview tab, specify a description of the item to be used as the default Item Overview text on the portal. Later in this document, we explain how to add the text in alternate languages.
  3. Optionally, right-click in the Item Picture field to load a primary picture of the item into the database. This picture is displayed with the item on the portal. If no picture is loaded, then the portal shows white space where the picture would have been displayed.
  4. Optionally, on the Pictures tab, load alternate views of the item. These views are displayed below the primary picture on the portal Product Details page. They are displayed in the order used on the Pictures tab, Sequence grid.
  5. On the Overview tab, select Active For Customer Portal. This enables the item for display on the portal.
    Note: Items that are set to Active For Customer Portal are available through the Item search lists on the portal. However, if an item is not also assigned to an item category, then it is not displayed in any category on the portal. Users can still find the item by using filters on the portal.
  6. Optionally, to include the item in the Featured Products section of the portal Home page and on the Featured Products page, select Featured Item.
  7. Optionally, to include the item in the Top Sellers section of the portal Home page and on the Top Sellers page, select Top Seller.
    Note: Do not use the Item Categories tab on the Items form for adding an item to a category for display on the Customer or Reseller portals. That tab is intended for item category setup for the Vendor Portal. The Item Category Workbench form is used for item category setup for the Customer and Reseller portals.
  8. Click Save.