Adding the user to the user list

Row-level authorizations, or IDO filters, that limit portal user access to back office records are already set up in the back office. These filters expect each Customer Portal or Reseller Portal user to be associated with only one customer number, and each Vendor Portal user to be associated with only one vendor number.

To make the association, perform one of these tasks:

  • For a Customer Portal or Reseller Portal user, on the Customer Users form, specify the customer number associated with the portal user and the back office user ID. For multi-site implementations, this must be done in all sites.
  • For a Vendor Portal user, on the Vendor Users form, specify the vendor number associated with the portal user and the back office user ID. For multi-site implementations, this is required in only the Primary Site.
By default, the Active check box is selected for all Infor-provided filters that are defined on the Row Authorizations form. If you clear the Active check box for a filter, then any user who was previously restricted by the filter is no longer restricted. For example, if you turn off the Infor-provided filters that are set on the Interactions IDO, then any portal user can see all interactions in the system, not just the ones related to that customer or vendor.