Enabling a portal for development

To modify a portal, you must first enable it for development and create a custom content version with a unique originator.

Note: When you enable a portal for development, you are reminded that server script modifications can cause security vulnerabilities. This message is for portal customization, which should be performed by development experts. Portal personalization tasks do not create vulnerabilities and can be performed by portal administrators.
  1. In the Portal Manager, select Portal Configuration > Developer Options.
  2. Click Enable Portal for Development.
  3. When prompted to confirm, click Yes.
  4. On the New Editable Content Version form, specify this information:
    This indicates the organization, product, or project for which components are being developed. In most cases, you will specify your company name as the originator for components you add or personalize for the portal.
    Default Feature
    Specify the feature to assign to new components for this content version.
  5. Click OK and Yes.
  6. Click Save. These are the results:
    • On the Content Activations tab under Portal Configuration, the new content version is added with the highest priority, because only content with the highest priority should be modified. The feature you specified is activated automatically.
    • The content version is also added on the Content Versions tab under Content Development. It is enabled for development and in a locked state. You should export it now and check it in to your source control system. See Exporting portal components.