Adding a closed content version into a production portal

After you close a content version for development and create and configure the production portal, the closed content version can be put into production. There are different ways to begin using the custom content, depending on whether or not it is in the same farm as the production portal. These are your options:

  • If you created the custom content version using a test portal that is in a different farm than the production portal, then you must export the content version so it can be imported into the production portal.
    1. In the Portal Manager for the test portal, select Farm Configuration > Content Versions.
    2. Expand the originator and select the version to export.
    3. Click Export Content Version.
    4. Specify the location for the content version and click OK.
    5. Launch the Portal Manager for the production portal.
    6. Select Farm Configuration > Content Versions.
    7. Click Import Content Version.
    8. Locate and select the exported content version .zip file and click Open.
    9. Select Portal Configuration > Content Activations.
    10. Click New.
    11. Specify the originator and version of the new content version. Give the content version the highest priority and click OK.
    12. Select the Active check box for the content features.
    13. Click Save.
    14. If you are prompted to apply schema to managed data sources, click Yes. You must select all applicable check boxes and click OK. For more information, see "About managed schema" in the portal customization guide.
  • If you created the custom content version using a test portal that is in the same farm as your production portal, then you can simply activate this closed content version in the production portal. Launch the Portal Manager for the production portal and then follow steps 9 – 14 above.