Portal pricing rule detail

This appendix describes the impact of portal pricing display rules on each Customer or Reseller portal page when a user is logged in to the portal. Pricing rules are explained in Setting up item pricing.

These tables show whether or not each pricing display rule is applied to specified portal layouts:

Pricing display rule Products page Product Details page Featured Products page Top Sellers page
G - Generic: Shows only the list price. Yes Exception: Shows customer-specific and list prices. Yes Yes
C - Customer-Specific: Shows only the customer-specific price. The "You Save" amount is not displayed. Yes Yes Yes Yes
O - Shows the customer-specific price, if it exists; otherwise, shows the list price. Yes Exception: Shows customer-specific and list prices. Yes Yes
B - Both customer-specific and list price are displayed. The list price and "You Save" amount are displayed when the customer-specific price is less than the list price. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pricing display rule Contract Order page Place Order page PricingOptions form Recommended Items section
G - Generic: Shows only the list price. Exception: Shows customer-specific and list prices. Exception: Shows only the unit price the customer is being charged. This is the price on the associated customer order line. Exception: Shows customer-specific and list prices. Yes
C - Customer-Specific: Shows only the customer-specific price. The "You Save" amount is not displayed. Yes Yes Yes Yes
O - Shows the customer-specific price, if it exists; otherwise, shows the list price. Exception: Shows customer-specific and list prices. Exception: Shows only the unit price the customer is being charged. This is the price on the associated customer order line. Exception: Shows customer-specific and list prices. Yes
B - Both customer-specific and list price are displayed. The list price and "You Save" amount are displayed when the customer-specific price is less than the list price. Yes Exception: Shows only the unit price the customer is being charged. This is the price on the associated customer order line. Exception: Shows customer-specific and list prices. Yes

These are other behaviors related to item pricing for post-login users:

  • The commission amount is displayed for pages, except for Top Sellers and Featured Products pages, and all items on the Reseller Portal when the logged in reseller is representing one of his or her customers.
  • The unit price displayed for an item is clickable when pricing options exist for the item. This is true when the item has applicable break quantity prices in the item's pricing site or when the item is being sold out of more than one site.
  • When the item displayed has a customer-specific unit of measure, a message is displayed for the item. This is true on all pages.
  • The You Save amount is always displayed on pages when both list and customer-specific prices are displayed.
  • Add to Order functionality adds an item to the cart using the applicable customer-specific price (when one exists) for all display rules, even when the only price displayed is the list price. If there is no customer-specific price, the list price is used in all cases except when the rule is C - customer-specific.
  • Add to Order functionality is not available for items that have no price, except for configurable items.
  • All prices are displayed in the customer's currency and unit of measure.
  • When the Display the item unit price upon request only is selected on the Portal Parameters form, the View Price link is displayed for every item on these portal layouts:
    • Products
    • Contract Order
    • Top Sellers
    • Featured Products
    • Recommended Items section, if applicable
    When the link is clicked, the appropriate prices are displayed. If the item has no price, the Quantity field and Add to Order button are hidden.
  • Configurable items can be configured and added to the cart whether or not there is an item price displayed.

These are behaviors related to item pricing for pre-login users:

  • Only the list price is displayed.
  • When the pricing display rule is C - Customer-Specific, no item price is displayed and Add to Order functionality is not available.
  • The pricing options form shows only the list price and any associated generic price breaks. All prices are displayed in domestic currency and base unit of measure.
  • Add to Order functionality is not available for items that have no price, except for configurable items.