Test submitting a credit card order with saving the card number

  1. Sign in to the portal using a B2C user account.
  2. Start an order by adding an item to the cart.
  3. Select Shop > Place Order.
  4. On the Place Order page, specify required shipping information and click Continue.
  5. Under Order Information, specify required information and click Continue.
  6. Under Finalize Order, select Save the card used on this order for future orders? and click Continue.
  7. On the Credit Card form, the client ID, order total, invoice number, and email address of the logged in user should be already specified. Specify the credit card number, expiration date, and cardholder name, and click Submit. An order confirmation page is displayed.
  8. In , open the Credit Card Transactions form.
  9. Verify that a new transaction has been created with this information:
    • Success is selected.
    • Transaction Type is set to Authorize.
    • Total Amount equals the order amount from the portal order and uses the correct currency.
    • Reference is set to Customer Order.
    • Reference Num is set to the order number from the portal order.
    • Auth Code is not blank.
    • Remote Transaction is not blank.
  10. In , open the Customer Credit Cards form.
  11. Verify that a new record has been created with this information:
    • Customer is set to the customer associated with the submitted portal order.
    • Card Number shows the last four digits of the credit card number specified for the order.
    • Name on Card shows the cardholder name specified for the order.
    • Remote Transaction matches the Remote Transaction value on the back office Credit Card Transactions form.
    • Portal User shows the portal user login ID.
  12. Log in to the CenPOS virtual terminal using your merchant credentials.
  13. Select Reports > Reprint.
  14. With Data Series set as Today, click Submit. An authorization record for the submitted portal order should be shown with this information:
    • Transaction # matches the Remote Transaction value on the back office Credit Card Transactions form.
    • Status is Approved.
    • Processed shows Authorization.
    • Account shows the last four digits of the credit card number specified for the portal order.
    • Name shows the cardholder name specified for the order.
    • Amount shows the order amount.
    • Auth Code matches the Auth Code value on the back office Credit Card Transactions form.
    • Invoice shows the portal order number.
    • Client ID shows the back office customer number for the portal order.
    • Original Trx should be blank.