Setting up credit card processing
In order for customers to pay for online orders using a credit card, you must have credit card processing set up in the back office. When an order or estimate is received from the portal, a Portal Order field on the Customer Orders or Estimates form is selected automatically. If you do not allow credit card orders, B2C portal users must call in to complete an order.
Back office setup tasks
The tasks required for setting up and testing credit card processing in the back office are defined in the Credit Card Interface Configuration Guide and online help topics. After you have verified that credit cards transactions work in the back office, also verify that an order can be submitted from the portal for a customer with the On Account payment type.
Additional setup for CenPOS
For the CenPOS gateway to work with the portal, you must follow these steps:
- On the CenPOS WebPay administration Global
Configuration page, specify this information:
- Url Return
- Specify https://<PortalServer:Port>/IPFSitePages/CCIWebResponse.aspx
where <PortalServer:Port>
is the URL for your IPF portal. When a credit card transaction is
submitted, CenPOS appends the transaction response values, such as
authorization code and last four digits of the card number, to this
URL. Note: All portals – including test or development portals – that will use credit card processing must use the HTTPS protocol.
- Target
- Specify _self.
- Integrate
- This option must be selected.
- Create Tokens Automatically
- This option must be selected.
- Passive Creation
- This option must be selected.
- From the CenPOS WebPay administration Global Configuration
page, use this information for the back office:
- Api Key
- Copy this API key and paste it in the API Key field on the back office Credit Card Systems form.
- AES Key Encrypt
- Click Encryption Key field on the back office Credit Card Systems form. Any time a new key is generated, it must be specified in the back office. to generate a new key and click to store that key for CenPOS. Copy the encryption key and enter it in the
- On the CenPOS WebPay administration Global Configuration page, click in the top menu and in the bottom menu. The Configuration Element form is displayed. In Theme Option, select Modern.
- In the CenPOS virtual terminal, select Client ID field, specify Optional. . In the
- In the event that you receive communication from CenPOS regarding changes to a
URL used to call the CenPOS payment object, these are the URLs used by the IPF
Reference Version URL WebPay Plugin 2.3 WebPay URL 7 Transaction API 4 POS URL N/A