Changing the Windows IPF database access user account

This task is for only on-premises administrators and for implementations that use a Windows or Windows domain IPF database access user account.

When a Windows IPF database access user account must be changed to a different Windows or Windows domain user, you must use the IPF Installer to grant the correct permissions to the new user and then reinstall the IPF Control Service, so the new user can be applied to the service.

  1. Start the IPF.Installer.exe. If you are making changes to the IPF Control Service on the same machine where you are running the Installer, you must right-click and run as administrator. Otherwise, do not run as administrator.
  2. Select Grant IPF Control Database Permissions.
  3. Specify this information:
    User ID
    Specify the new IPF Control User user ID. Domain accounts use this format: <domain>\<username>. The password is not needed at this time.
    (IPF Control Database) Server Name
    Specify the SQL database server provided when the IPF Control Database was created.
    Database Name
    Specify the database name provided when the IPF Control Database was created.
    Specify user authentication to the SQL database server. This must be an existing user with permissions to create a database, add a user, and grant permissions.
  4. Click Apply Changes. This gives the user the correct permissions in the IPF Control Database.
  5. One by one, run the Installer for every machine in the farm to reinstall the IPF Control Service. Select Reinstall IPF Control Service and provide the new IPF database access user ID and password. This updates the Control Service login user name and password and updates the XML file in the Control Service bin directory.
  6. In the Farm Manager, one by one, remove and re-add each server in the farm. This updates the web application pool login user name and password.