Setting up customer company information
You must have basic information about a customer’s company set up in the back office before a customer user logs in to your portal for the first time. This information is displayed in various sections of the portal Account Management page. Portal users can submit updates to some, but not all, of this information.
For multi-site implementations, customer company information must be added in all sites of the Customer Portal site group.
Customer record
On the Customers form, verify that this information is provided:
- Company name
- Address, including county and country
- Language
- Currency
- Credit limit
- Internet URL
- Order contact name, phone, fax, external email and internal email
- Billing contact name and phone
Ship-to record
On the Customer Ship-Tos form, set up at least one ship-to address for the customer. Make sure this information is provided:
- Ship To name. Customer Portal users can choose different addresses based on the name.
- Ship To address, including county and country.
- Ship To contact name, phone, fax, and email.