Enabling links in the bottom menu

In the bottom menu of all portal pages, there are links for Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and Terms and Conditions. The links are included in the MasterBottomHeader_FooterMain layout. When the portals are first configured, these links do not work, because they need to open content specific to your company. You can enable these options by linking to your own content, either custom site pages or existing content. You can also choose to hide the links, as explained in Hiding menu options in the default portal menus.

To enable the links, you should have a version of Microsoft Visual Studio. See Software recommendation.

  1. In the Portal Manager, select Content Development > Layouts.
  2. Find the MasterBottomHeader_FooterMain layout.
  3. Right-click in the UI column for that row and select View Layout UI. This opens a new browser window for the portal Layout Editor.
  4. In the Layout Editor, click Edit. This creates a new copy of the layout with your specified originator.
  5. In the active card design in the center of the page, click the cell for the link to enable. For example, click the TermsOfUseLabel cell.
  6. In the right pane, expand the Cell section.
  7. Under Style, in the Field display format field, select TextClick. This makes the link clickable.
  8. In the Layout Editor, click Save.
  9. In the Portal Manager, refresh the Layouts form and right-click the Server Script column for this new layout and select Edit Server Script. This opens the script in Visual Studio.
  10. Locate the OnLayoutInitialized event and add a line to associate the selected clickable link with your content.
    For example, you could add this line: context.UnboundComponents("TermsOfUseLabel").NavigateToURLOnClick = "https://www.<your_page>.com"
  11. Save your change in the script.
  12. Repeat this task for all versions of the layout. See About responsive UI layouts.
  13. To review the change, open or refresh your portal website.