Content activations
The Content Activations tab under Portal Configuration is used to make content available on the portal. The content version number, version priority, and features determine what content is displayed on the portal website. To be displayed, the features must be active and the content version must have the highest priority.
On this tab, you can perform these tasks:
- Add content activations to the portal. This is explained in the portal installation guide.
- Activate or deactivate features. Only active features are displayed on the portal.
- Update the content version number for a content upgrade. This is hot safe, meaning existing logged in users continue on the old version until they log out and back in. This is described in the "Upgrading" section of the portal installation guide.
- Change the content version priority. Only content with the highest priority is displayed on the portal.
- Remove content activations from the portal. A content activation can be removed from a portal only when it is not set as the editable originator on the Developer Options tab. When you remove a content activation, the content version is removed from the portal but not the farm.