CRM delivers a complete view of customers, contacts, transactions, and products by integrating disparate systems and data sources into a single view. CRM is the hub to manage and track customer interactions across teams.

CRM equips teams with the information needed to provide a consistent customer experience at any point during the customer journey:

  • Sales managers use customer experience data to teach sales staff how to be better at building relationships. Customer history data can also be used to predict forecasts and pipeline.
  • Sales representatives view complete information about customer interactions across all departments to forge closer customer relationships and gain valuable insights into the account receivables that can affect commissions.
  • Marketing managers gain insights into the products that have high tickets/returns, and avoid promoting them. They know which customers have outstanding invoices and use this information to create better campaign list segmentations.
  • Service/support representatives get instant access to sales orders and return details to rapidly resolve customer calls. They can confirm ship-to, bill-to, and pay-from details to ensure proper deliveries. Use CRM and ERP data to address receivable and invoice issues.