Using Document Capture with SyteLine

If you use Document Management with Document Capture (using Ephesoft), you can scan any document, or upload electronic document files, and store them in Document Management along with their key metadata. For example, you can scan a SyteLine customer order that contains a signature, and based on the template setup, Ephesoft can send that document and its metadata to Document Management, where it can be matched with the original customer order.

For supplier invoices, Document Capture with SyteLine offers additional capabilities. When you run a predefined batch instance to scan or upload the supplier invoice document into Ephesoft, these processes occur automatically:

  • The supplier invoice document is stored in Document Management, and information about the invoice is sent to SyteLine.
  • SyteLine automatically creates a voucher associated with the original purchase order and ties it to the supplier invoice information that it received. The quantities on the vendor invoice must already have been received in SyteLine; otherwise, the invoice is rejected.
  • SyteLine sends the voucher information to Document Management, where it is associated with the supplier invoice.

You can then open certain SyteLine forms, select a vendor or PO record, and use the Related Information widget to view the associated supplier invoice or voucher.