Extending the solution

Administrators can use extensibility options to extend your solution. You can use these options to add or modify core application functionality.

This table shows the types of extensibility options that are available for this solution:

Without direct access to the application database, source code, underlying system objects, or servers that host the application, you can use extensibility options to change user interfaces, data models, business logic, reports, analytics, and integration points. These extensibility options use a shared set of computing resources and provide full upgradability, manageability, and isolation throughout the application lifecycle.

This table shows the types of extensibility options that are available for this solution:

Type Description Examples
Personalize Modify the look, feel, and flow of an application. Themes, labels, titles, navigation, accessibility, help, and branding.
Tailor Modify elements in an application. New fields on existing user interfaces (UI), layouts, objects, functions, properties, default values.
Extend Add new application functionality, including new logic, screens, or data.

Use extensibility data elements for creating reports.

New UI elements and new non-UI elements, including tables and business objects.
Embed Use the external logic, screens, or screen widgets from an external application. Tax engines, computational libraries, maps, and widgets.
Integrate Connect to external logic and screens from an external application. Manufacturing execution systems, web sales portals, maps, and widgets.