Using CRM with SyteLine

CRM with SyteLine offers these capabilities.

Creating orders and returns in either application

Sales orders and quotes (estimates) can be created in either application, but SyteLine is the system of record for the transactions. This process is used:

  • When you create a quote in CRM, a corresponding estimate is created in SyteLine. You can convert the quote to a sales order in CRM and then promote it, creating a corresponding customer order in SyteLine.
  • When you create an estimate in SyteLine, a corresponding quote is created in CRM. When an estimate originating in SyteLine is copied to a customer order, a CRM sales order is generated for the corresponding quote.
  • When you create a sales order or quote in CRM and promote it to SyteLine, then SyteLine determines the pricing based on either Customer Contract Pricing or the default pricing for a contract. SyteLine then sends the pricing to CRM for the order or quote.
  • When you create a customer return (RMA) in SyteLine, a mirroring return is created in CRM.

Creating customers and prospects in either application

Customers and prospects can be created in either application. This process is used:

  • If you create or update a Customer type account in CRM, a corresponding customer number and default bank code are assigned in SyteLine. If a currency is not passed, SyteLine assigns the domestic currency to the customer. The original account record in CRM is updated. SyteLine also creates a Ship-To record for the customer and returns that information to CRM.
  • If you create or update a customer in SyteLine, a corresponding customer and roles are created in CRM.
  • If you update a customer Ship To address in CRM, the appropriate Customer Ship To entry is updated in SyteLine.
  • In SyteLine, a prospect can be associated with estimates (quotes) but not with customer orders. So if a sales order is generated from a quote for a prospect in CRM, SyteLine first promotes the prospect to a customer, before the customer order is created. All existing SyteLine documents that were associated with the prospect are automatically associated with the newly created customer record.

Maintaining master data

Master data is handled as noted here:

  • Contacts can be created in either application.
  • Billing terms, product codes, and territories are populated in SyteLine and duplicated in CRM.
  • When you add a warehouse in SyteLine, location information is sent to CRM for use in bi-directional quotes and sales orders.
  • When you add a salesperson in SyteLine, an ERP Persons record is created in CRM.