Using CPQ Enterprise Quoting with SyteLine

Enterprise Quoting with SyteLine offers these capabilities:
  • Orders created from quotes in Enterprise Quoting:

    Dealers use Enterprise Quoting to create a quote for one or more items with a potential customer. When an item is added to the quote, a ruleset updates the list price in Enterprise Quoting with the sales price from SyteLine. The price does not include tax or add-ons.

    When the customer approves the quote, the dealer converts the quote to an order. A sales order is then automatically created in SyteLine with all of the supporting detail and bill of materials. The order can be maintained and processed as a regular order. After the order is created in SyteLine, all further maintenance of the order must occur in SyteLine.

    Dealers are limited to a single SyteLine warehouse.

  • Orders created in SyteLine:

    When a sales order is created in SyteLine, a document ID in Enterprise Quoting is linked to the sales order in SyteLine. This Enterprise Quoting number can be used, for example, when a customer service representative (CSR) is helping a customer who calls with a question about an Enterprise Quoting order number. The CSR searches for that Enterprise Quoting document ID number and can access the linked sales order inquiry to see details about the SyteLine sales order and associated Enterprise Quoting number.

    Change orders are not supported when Enterprise Quoting is used with SyteLine.

  • Quotes for configured items:

    Dealers can access the web-based configurator from Enterprise Quoting and create a quote for configured items. The configured item is used to create a SyteLine sales order with the supporting bill of materials from the configuration. The sales order can be maintained like any other order originating from CPQ configurator.

  • Linked purchase orders:

    If a customer specifies a customer purchase order (PO) number, the dealer can enter that number in the Enterprise Quoting interface. That customer PO number is mapped to the SyteLine sales order.