Using Quality with SyteLine

The Quality module with SyteLine offers these capabilities:
  • Supplier management: Beginning with a review of the supplier facilities and an approval process, the Quality module helps track vendor communications and quality control (QC) status. The receiving process of this module includes material handling, safety alerts, printing tags, assigning unique tracking numbers, and putting material in a QC holding area pending disposition.

    QC inspects and assigns the material to inventory for production or tracks non-conforming material to its final disposition. It also provides integrated Vendor RMA support, including links with accounting. The Quality module automatically calculates vendor product quality and delivery performance to help you build strong supplier relationships.

  • Tracking job quality: Tracking quality requirements during production often becomes a chore, what with the need to record the disposition of materials at multiple inspection points, track sign-offs, capture test results, record defects, and track items requiring rework or repair. The Quality module streamlines your entire process.

    Many situations require you to track and inspect manufactured items piece-by-piece, according to serial number or tag number. The Quality module supports all SyteLine production methods—jobs, production schedules, and just-in-time (JIT). It also allows you to enter all details while in a job, including disposition, non-conformance tracking, cost of quality, test results, defects, and failures.

    In addition, the Quality module reports the cost of scrap including labor, material, and overhead. You can identify defective raw material at the point of use rather than at receipt, which helps you report the issue promptly. When you mark items as defective during manufacturing, Quality lets you track each nonconforming item and capture the associated costs of quality. In addition, when a job requires you to send material outside for processing, Quality prints paperwork to attach to the product when it leaves your facility and when it returns again.

  • Meeting customer requirements: Customers may require you to ship paperwork with each product to confirm that you have designed, manufactured, or inspected the product to meet regulatory or customer requirements. The Quality module improves your work process by identifying which items require such confirmation and ensuring that these items are routed through QC prior to shipping. You can record inspection results, print necessary paperwork and then tag the product as accepted and ready to ship.

    If your customers return the product, Quality works with the SyteLine RMA module to direct that product to QC for receipt, inspection, disposition, and non-conformance tracking. The Customer Complaint Reporting (CCR) function helps you respond to feedback from your customers, assign responsibility, track your internal review and corrective action, and measure customer satisfaction.