Width property

Use the Width property to specify the width of a form or component in WinStudio character units. The actual width depends on screen resolution and on the base font specified in the [For forms] field in the [User Preferences] window. The system calculates displayed width from the two factors.

Base font and screen resolution determine the maximum value that you can enter as a Width property. If you enter a value that exceeds the maximum, WinStudio reduces the value to the allowed maximum when you save the form.

Users can change the base font specification in the [User Preferences] window or the [Theme Editor] , as well as change screen resolution through the operating system. Font size can be increased and/or screen resolution decreased to the point that the width of a form is too great to fit the screen. Note that if you open the form in Design Mode, WinStudio reduces the Width property to the calculated maximum value. At run time, the form then might be truncated.

When the width or height of a form prevents the entire form from displaying properly, WinStudio raises a warning message.

The character unit derived from the base font applies to component width values even if a component's Font property differs from the base font. The Font property specifies only the display of text in the component.
