Drag Image property

Use the Drag Image property to specify a graphic image to be used during drag-and-drop operations between components on a form.

By default, when you specify drag-and-drop capabilities between form components, WinStudio uses a "sprite," or semitransparent image, of the component from which you are attempting the drag-and-drop operation. To use an alternate image, use this property to override the default with a graphic file.

Valid graphics formats include:

  • PNG
  • JPG / JPEG
  • BMP
  • GIF
  • TIF / TIFF
  • EMF / WMF
  • EXIF
  • ICON / ICO

WinStudio supports transparency in formats that use alpha channels.

注:  This setting does not affect the display of the cursor during drag-and-drop operations, only the image associated with the object or record being dragged and dropped.