Default IME Character Set property

Use the Default IME Character Set property to specify the status of the IME for a component. An IME (Input Method Editor) is a program that enables users to enter complex characters and symbols, such as Japanese characters, using a standard keyboard.

Setting Description
NoControl Default. None.
On The IME is on. This value indicates that the IME is on and characters specific to Chinese or Japanese can be entered. This setting is valid for Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese IME only.
Off The IME is off. This mode indicates that the IME is off, meaning that the object behaves the same as English entry mode. This setting is valid for Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese IME only.
Disable The IME is disabled. With this setting, the users cannot turn the IME on from the keyboard, and the IME floating window is hidden.
Close When focus is on the component, the IME window is closed.
Inherit Inherits the IME mode of the parent control.
Alpha Alphanum SB. Single byte.
AlphaFull Alphanum DB. Double byte.
Hangul Hangul single byte.
HangulFull Hangul double byte.
Hiragana Double byte.
Katakana Double byte.
KatakanaHalf Katakana SB. Single byte.

WinStudio implements the setting for a component whenever the component receives input focus. For components that have no IME setting, WinStudio automatically uses the Roman input mode and closes the IME.
