Calendar Settings dialog box

Use this dialog box to specify settings for a calendar component.

To open this dialog box, add a Calendar component from the toolbox to a form, click the ellipses ([...]) button next to the [Binding] property (under [Data Source]), select [Calendar] as the type in the [Edit Component Data Binding] dialog, and click [Edit].

This dialog box has these tabs:

  • Attributes
  • Activity Data

Attributes tab

On this tab, specify the attributes for the calendar.

Field Description
Mode Select the viewing mode for the calendar: day, week, or month. The default is month.
Categories Select the categories you want to use to distinguish activities on the calendar using different colors.

To open the [Calendar Category] dialog box and create a new category and color, click [New].

To make changes to an existing category, click [Edit].

To remove a category, click [Delete].

Selected Item Variables Use these fields to specify form variables that alert the user of which activities have been selected.
  • [ID]: From the drop-down list, select the variable that is to contain the value for the activity ID.
  • [Start]: From the drop-down list, select the variable that is to contain the value for the start date of the activity.
  • [End]: From the drop-down list, select the variable that is to contain the value for the end date of the activity.

When an activity is selected, the variables are updated. For example, a user could set the [Start] and [End] variables to send an alert when a vacation day is selected on a calendar.

Activity Data tab

On this tab, specify the collection of data that is used in the calendar.

Field Description
Collection Select the form collection to which the calendar is bound.
Properties Specify these collection properties for the activity:
  • ID
  • Start
  • End
  • Subject
  • Description
  • Category