Using Visual Studio for modal editing

To edit or create a script using Visual Studio for modal editing:

  1. With a form open and in Design Mode, from the [Edit] menu, select [Script Editor].

    If a form script is not defined for the current form, the editor opens a template for a script. Otherwise, the editor opens the form script for the form. The solution name is [EditWinStudioScript]. The class name is [ScriptClass.VB].

  2. Edit the script code.

    We recommend that you build the script. Visual Studio provides a convenient environment for identifying and correcting errors. WinStudio itself does not use the build.

  3. Save the script.
  4. Minimize or close the Visual Studio IDE.
  5. Optionally, in the  [Editing Script in Visual Studio] dialog box, you can:
    • Perform test compilations of the script: Click [Compile], and then observe the [Compile Status] message, which indicates whether the compilation was successful.
    • Reopen or restore the Visual Studio IDE to fix compilation errors: Click [VS IDE].
    • Start a 「debugging session」 to test script functionality with WinStudio.
  6. To preserve the script in a cache and close the dialog box, click [OK].
注:  If the [Compile source on OK] check box is selected and compilation fails, the dialog box remains open and [Compile Status] shows a failure message. You can fix the compilation errors and click [OK] again, or you can clear the check box and click [OK] to preserve the script, including any faulty code.