Finding and replacing code strings in scripts

The WinStudio script editor (「 [Edit Form/Global Script] dialog box」) provides tools to find and optionally replace strings in code.

注:  The Replace feature is disabled when a base form script document tab is selected. For more information, see 「About the WinStudio script editor」.

To find and optionally replace a string in the code:

  1. Click the [Find and Replace] tab on the far right side of the editor.
    注:  You can also access this tab through the [Edit] menu, by means of the [Find] or [Replace] options.

    We recommend that you "pin" the tab open.

  2. To perform a find-and-replace operation, click on the scroll bar to the right of the [Quick Find] subtab, and then click [Quick Replace] [.] []
  3. In the [Find what] field, enter the string you want to search for.
  4. For a find-and-replace operation, in the [Replace with] field, enter the string to replace the original string with.
  5. In the [Look in] field, specify whether you want to search the entire [Document] or just the current code [Selection] [ (code selected by click-and-drag)].
  6. Optionally, select one or more [Find options].
  7. Optionally, specify a [Search type]:
    • [Normal] - This option searches for the [Find what] text exactly as specified and replaces it with the exact text as entered into the [Replace with] field.
    • [Regular expression] - This option uses regular expressions to locate the search text, and uses regular expression replace pattern syntax. This allows for replacements at different matched capture points in the search pattern.

      For more information, see 「Script regular expression searches」.

    • [Wildcard] - This option uses simple wildcard search patterns to locate the text.

      For more information, see 「Script search wildcards」.

    • [Acronym] - This option matches a character at the start of a word, and then every capital letter or character following an underscore.

      For example, if you specify [fr] as the acronym pattern, the search would match the text [findR] in the word [findReplace].

    • [Shorthand] - This option is similar to the [Acronym] option but allows any non-whitespace character to be between the search pattern characters. In this case, space characters have a special meaning, in that they match to any whitespace character.

      For example, if you specify [fr] as the shorthand pattern, the search would match the text [for] in the word [therefore]. If you were to specify [f r] as the shorthand pattern (with a space between the letters), the search would match the text "[f this r]" in the phrase [If this runs]. 

  8. Click the button that corresponds with what you want to do.