Specifying trend line settings for charts

Trend lines are horizontal or vertical lines that help users interpret the data in relationship to a predetermined value. For example, a trend line can indicate the target values.

When using the [Specify Chart Settings] dialog box to create and configure charts, these settings are made on the [Trend Lines] tab. This tab contains a grid in which you make the specifications for each trend line you want to include on the chart.

When modifying a chart by script, use the TrendLine scripting class to make trend line settings.

This table lists the settings you can make on the [Trend Lines] tab. Attribute names for the TrendLine property are also listed.

Trend Line tab Column / Option Attribute name Description / Comments
Start Value

End Values



To define a flat trend line, specify just a starting value.

To define a slanted trend line, specify both the starting and ending values.

If the value you specify is not within the chart limits, the trend line or zone is not included.

Display Value DisplayValue Specify the label, if any, for the trend line.
Color Color Specify the RGB value for the trend line color, as a hexadecimal value (000000-FFFFFF).

You can double-click to display the [Color] dialog box, where you can select a color or define a custom color for the trend line.  The hexadecimal code displays after you click [OK] to exit the [Color] dialog box.

Trend Zone IsTrendZone To mark a trend zone (range of values) instead of a line, select this option.
Show On Top ShowOnTop To display the trend line or zone on top of the chart values, select this option.
Thickness Thickness Specify the thickness of the line, in pixels.
Alpha Alpha Specify the transparency of the trend line, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).
Dashed Dashed To use a dashed line for the trend line, select this option.
Dash Length

Dash Gap



Specify the length of the dash and the gap between dashes, in pixels.

These values are only applicable if you have selected the [Dashed] option.

Value on Right ValueOnRight To show the trend line label to the right of the chart, select this option. Otherwise, the label displays to the left of the chart.
Tool Text ToolText Specify the text, if any, that displays as a tip when the pointer hovers over the line.

For more information about these and other chart properties, see the FusionCharts Developer help (www.fusioncharts.com/dev/).
