Specifying other settings for charts

When using the [Specify Chart Settings] dialog box to create and configure charts, these settings are all made on the [Other] tab. This tab is used for settings that do not clearly belong to any other tab or group.

This tab includes these groups of settings:

  • Stacked charts
  • Scroll charts
  • Bar charts
  • Anchors
  • Number formatting
  • Divisional lines

When modifying a chart by script, use the ChartSetProperty method or the ChartGetProperty method to make these settings. Use the ChartProperty enumeration.

Stacked Charts group

This table lists the settings you can make in the [Stacked Charts ]group box of the [Other] tab. ChartSetProperty and ChartGetProperty attribute names are also listed. These settings apply only to stacked chart types.

Other tab Field / Option Attribute Name Description / Comments
Show Sum ShowSum When selected, this option specifies that the sum of all stacked data segments is to be displayed.

Otherwise, the sum is not displayed.

Stack 100 Percent Stack100Percent When selected, this option specified that the chart is to be rendered as 100% stacked chart.

This means that each column displays as a 100% total, with each stack segment represented as a percent of the total.

Otherwise, the chart displays as a normal stacked chart with columns of varying heights.

Show Percent Values ShowPercentValues When selected, this option specifies that the percent values are to be displayed on each segment of the stack.
注: To show absolute data values, rather than percents, use the Show Values option on the [General] tab, [Functional Attributes] group. If that value and this one are both set, this one takes precedence.
Show Percent In ToolTip ShowPercentInToolTip When selected, this option specifies that the percent values are to be displayed in tooltips.

Otherwise, the tooltips display the absolute values.

Scroll Charts group

Scroll charts are charts that can display data for more data plots than the width of the chart would normally allow. Users can view the additional data plots by scrolling the display left or right.

This table lists the settings you can make in the [Scroll Charts ]group box of the [Other] tab. ChartSetProperty and ChartGetProperty attribute names are also listed. These settings apply only to scroll chart types.

Other tab Field / Option Attribute Name Description / Comments
Visible Columns NumVisiblePlot Specify the number of columns that are to be visible in the canvas area when the chart is rendered.

Bar Charts group

This table lists the settings you can make in the [Bar Charts ]group box of the [Other] tab. ChartSetProperty and ChartGetProperty attribute names are also listed. These settings apply only to bar chart types.

Other tab Field / Option Attribute Name Description / Comments
X-Axis Name Width XAxisNameWidth Specify, in pixels, the maximum width that the X-axis name can be.

Anything beyond this width is truncated.

Max Label Width Percent MaxLabelWidthPercent Specify, as a percent, the maximum width the X-axis name label can occuply within the name area.
Center X-Axis Name CenterXaxisName When selected, this option specifies that the X-axis name is to be centered.

Otherwise, this name displays at the top.

Rotate X-Axis Name RotateYAxisName When selected (default), this option specifies that the X-axis name is to be rotated 90 degrees (usually to conserve horizontal space).

Anchors group

Anchors are used to display distinct data points in line, spline, and area charts. These anchors help to identify the data points better in the chart. They also display a tooltip that shows the data plot details.

This table lists the settings you can make in the [Anchors ]group box of the [Other] tab. ChartSetProperty and ChartGetProperty attribute names are also listed. These settings apply only to line, spline, and area chart types.

Other tab Field / Option Attribute Name Description / Comments
Draw Anchors DrawAnchors When selected (default), this option specifies that the anchors are to be displayed.

Otherwise, anchors are hidden.

Anchor Sides AnchorSides Specify the number of sides each anchor is to have.

This depends on how you want the anchors to display. For example, a setting of [3] here causes anchors to display as triangles, [4] as squares, and so on.

Valid values range from 3 to 20.

If this value is not specified, anchors render as circles.

Anchor Radius AnchorRadius Specify, in pixels, how large the radius of each anchor is to be.

The greater this number is, the larger the anchor displays.

Border Color AnchorBorderColor Specify the RGB value for the color of the anchor border, as a hexadecimal value (000000-FFFFFF).

You can double-click to display the [Color] dialog box, where you can select a color or define a custom color for the anchor border. The hexadecimal code displays after you click [OK] to exit the [Color] dialog box.

Border Thickness AnchorBorderThickness Specify, in pixels, the thickness of the anchor border.
Back Color AnchorBgColor Specify the RGB value for the background (or fill) color of the anchor, as a hexadecimal value (000000-FFFFFF).

You can double-click to display the [Color] dialog box, where you can select a color or define a custom background color for the anchor. The hexadecimal code displays after you click [OK] to exit the [Color] dialog box.

To use a gradient background fill, specify multiple hexadecimal values, separated by commas.

Alpha AnchorAlpha Specify the transparency for the anchor, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).
Back Alpha AnchorBgAlpha For each color you specified for the background, specify the transparency, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque). If you are using multiple values (for a gradient fill), separate the alpha values by commas.

Number Formatting group

This table lists the settings you can make in the [Number Formatting ]group box of the [Other] tab. ChartSetProperty and ChartGetProperty attribute names are also listed. These settings apply only to number values. Unless otherwise stated, they apply to all number values displayed on the chart.

Other tab Field / Option Attribute Name Description / Comments
Format Number FormatNumber When selected (default), this option specifies that numbers are to be formatted with commas (Thousand Separators).

Otherwise, numbers are displayed without separators.

Format Number Scale FormatNumberScale When selected (default), this option specifies that numbers are to be displayed with a trailing [K] (for thousands) or an [M] (for millions) after being truncated and rounded.

Otherwise, numbers are not truncated and rounded.

Force Decimals ForceDecimals When selected, this option specifies that all numbers on the chart should display with the designated number of decimal places, even if only some or no decimal places are needed. This option adds zeroes, if necessary, to ensure that the designated number of decimal places display.

Otherwise, all numbers display with only the number of decimal places required.

Force Y-Axis Decimals ForceYAxisValueDecimals When selected, this option specifies that all numbers on the Y-axis should display with the designated number of decimal places, even if some or no decimal places are needed. This option adds zeroes, if necessary, to ensure that the designated number of decimal places display.

Otherwise, Y-axis numbers display with only the number of decimal places required.

Default Number Scale DefaultNumberScale Specify the unit that should be interpreted as the default value for any numbers.

For example, if the numbers to be formatted represent the number of seconds in a time sequence, then you would specify [seconds] in this field.

Number Scale Unit NumberScaleUnit Specify the units of conversion to be used when converting numbers from lesser units to greater units. Specify units using a comma-separated list.

For example, to change the way numbers are displayed based on their values, you can specify a Thousands to Millions to Billions conversion sequence. To do this, you would specify [K, M, B] in this field.

To make time conversions (minutes to hours to days to weeks, for example), you would specify [Min, Hr, Day, Wk] in this field.

This specification must be used in conjunction with the [Number Scale Value] specification.

注: The default number scale unit used is thousands to millions ([K, M]).
Number Scale Value NumberScaleValue Specify the conversion ratio to use from one unit to the next unit. You must have one value here for each unit specified in the [Number Scale Unit] field. Specify these values using a comma-separated list.

For example, to convert from thousands to millions to billions, you would specify [1000, 1000, 1000] in this field. To convert from the default of seconds to minutes to hours to days to weeks, you specify [60, 60, 24, 7] in this field.

This specification must be used in conjunction with the [Number Scale Unit] specification.

注: The default number scale value used is thousands to millions ([1000, 1000]).
Number Prefix NumberPrefix Specify the prefix to be used with all numbers on the chart.

For example, if all numbers represent money amounts in dollars, you would specify the dollar sign ([$]) in this field.

Number Suffix NumberSuffix Specify the suffix to be used with all numbers on the chart.

For example, if all numbers represent an amount produced in a year's time, you would specify [per year] or [/yr] in this field.

Decimal Separator DecimalSeparator Specify the character to be used as the decimal separator in numbers.

For example, in some countries, a period (which is the system default) is used to separate whole numbers from decimal parts. In other countries, a comma is used for this purpose. In this latter case, you would specify a comma ([,]) in this field.

Thousand Separator ThousandSeparator Specify the character to be used as the thousands separator in numbers.

For example, in some countries, a comma (which is the system default) is used to separate whole numbers with more than three digits with commas every three digits. In other countries, a period is used for this purpose. In this latter case, you would specify a period ([.]) in this field.

Th. Separator Position ThousandSeparatorPosition Specify the number of digits after which the thousand separator character should be placed. You can use multiple values, separated by commas.

For example, if you were to specify [2,3] in this field, a number with nine digits would be formatted with a comma between the second and third digit from the right, and every third digit after that. If the number to be formatted were 123456789, it would be formatted as 1,234,567,89.

Decimal Places Decimals Specify the number of decimal places to which all numbers on the chart are to be rounded. The valid range is from 0 to 10.
Y-Axis Decimal Places YAxisValueDecimals Specify the decimal precision of the div line values. The valid range is from 0 to 10.
注: This option is only functional if you have opted not to adjust the vertical div lines. For more information, see the next section.

Divisional Lines group

This table lists the settings you can make in the [Divisional Lines ]group box of the [Other] tab. ChartSetProperty and ChartGetProperty attribute names are also listed.

Other tab Field / Option Attribute Name Description / Comments
Num Div Lines NumDivLines Specify the number of divisional lines to render on the chart.
Div Line Color DivLineColor   Specify the RGB value for the color of the divisional lines, as a hexadecimal value (000000-FFFFFF).

You can double-click to display the [Color] dialog box, where you can select a color or define a custom color for the divisional lines. The hexadecimal code displays after you click [OK] to exit the [Color] dialog box.

Div Line Thickness DivLineThickness Specify, in pixels, the thickness of the divisional lines.
Div Line Alpha DivLineAlpha Specify the transparency for the divisional lines, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).
Div Line Is Dashed DivLineIsDashed When selected, this option specifies that the divisional lines should be dashed rather than solid.
Div LIne Dash Length

Div Line Dash Gap



If the [Div Line Is Dashed] option is selected, use these settings to specify the length of each dash and the gaps between dashes.
Zero Plane Color ZeroPlaneColor Specify the RGB value for the color of the zero plane, as a hexadecimal value (000000-FFFFFF).
注: The zero plane is a line or plane that runs between the positive and negative numbers on the Y-axis of a chart. Zero planes are rendered by default in charts that plot both positive and negative values.

You can double-click to display the [Color] dialog box, where you can select a color or define a custom color for the zero plane. The hexadecimal code displays after you click [OK] to exit the [Color] dialog box.

Zero Plane Thickness ZeroPlaneThickness Specify, in pixels, the thickness of the zero plane.
Zero Plane Alpha ZeroPlaneAlpha Specify the transparency for the zero plane, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).
Show Alternate H-Grid Color ShowAlternateHGridColor When selected (default), this option specifies that horizontal divisions are to be represented by bands of alternating white and a color.

Otherwise, only divisional lines display, with no colored bands between them.

Alternate H-Grid Color AlternateHGridColor Specify the RGB value for the color of the horizontal bands, as a hexadecimal value (000000-FFFFFF).

You can double-click to display the [Color] dialog box, where you can select a color or define a custom color for the horizontal bands. The hexadecimal code displays after you click [OK] to exit the [Color] dialog box.

Alternate H-Grid Alpha AlternateHGridAlpha Specify the transparency for the horizontal bands, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).
Show Alternate V-Grid Color ShowAlternateVGridColor When selected (default), this option specifies that vertical divisions are to be represented by bands of alternating white and a color.

Otherwise, only divisional lines display, with no colored bands between them.

Alternate V-Grid Color AlternateVGridColor Specify the RGB value for the color of the vertical bands, as a hexadecimal value (000000-FFFFFF).

You can double-click to display the [Color] dialog box, where you can select a color or define a custom color for the vertical bands. The hexadecimal code displays after you click [OK] to exit the [Color] dialog box.

Alternate V-Grid Alpha AlternateVGridAlpha Specify the transparency for the vertical bands, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).
Show Zero Plane ShowZeroPlane When selected (default), this option specifies that the zero plane is to be displayed on the chart.

Otherwise, the zero plane is hidden.

For more information about these and other chart attributes, see the FusionCharts Developer help (www.fusioncharts.com/dev/).
