SUM keyword

Applies To

Form components

Component property: Data binding


Evaluates to the numeric sum of the values of a property in a collection.


SUM( 「PROPERTY」( PropertyName ) )

Part Description
PropertyName Expression that evaluates to a string representing the name of a property of the IDO that returns the collection.


A substitution keyword. Use the SUM keyword to specify the data binding of a read-only component. The sum is updated when the 「StdFormLoadDerivedValues」 event is generated during, for example, a Save or navigate operation. To force an update when the value of the property changes, use the 「DEPENDENCY」 keyword with the SUM keyword.


The following example is a data binding specification for a read-only edit text box. The value of the component is the sum of the property values in the QuantityShipped column of a collection.
