LOADJIT keyword

Applies to

Form components that can be bound to a property.

Component property: Data binding.


Specifies that WinStudio does not retrieve the value for a component from the property to which it is bound during operations that normally load values from a collection, such as, Refresh. Instead, WinStudio retrieves the value only when it is needed.




You normally use LOADJIT only with components bound to large binary objects in order to cause data to be loaded only when it is needed, or just in time. See 「BLOBFORMAT」. Because use of LOADJIT causes additional network round trips, enabling it for components bound to other types of data provides no benefit.

When WinStudio retrieves the property value for a component for which LOADJIT is specified, it also retrieves the property values for all components whose values have not yet been retrieved from the current object in the current collection. With LOADJIT specified for a component bound to binary data, WinStudio retrieves a property value for the component if the component's BLOBFORMAT specification has the parameter BMP or if the user clicks [View Binary Data for Current Field] on the [Edit] menu.