Project Manager Home - Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab on the Project Manager Home form lists links to forms and activities useful for a project manager. There are also five charts.

My Stats

The My Stats area of the Dashboard tab contains three links: Alerts, Tasks, and Inbox. You are redirected to the Tasks tab if you click any of the links. The Tasks tab shows tasks and inbox messages. The number of alerts on the Tasks tab is broken down by being either on the Past Due Projects button, the Past Due Project Tasks button, or the Estimates To Expire button.


To view charts, you can hover your mouse pointer over any of the columns to see the data value for that column:

  • Top 5 Projects by Revenue: This chart shows the five active projects that have the highest planned total revenue. The X-axis shows the project. The Y-axis shows the revenue.
  • Top 5 Projects By Plan Cost: This chart shows the five active projects with the highest planned total cost. The X-axis shows the project. The Y-axis shows the cost.
  • Key Today: This chart shows past due milestones for invoice and revenue.
    • Invoice: This shows the total value of invoice milestones planned invoice amount where the planned complete date is before the current date and the Posted check box on the Invoice Milestones form is cleared.
    • Revenue: This shows the total value of revenue milestones planned revenue where the planned complete date is before the current date and the Posted check box on the Revenue Milestones for is cleared.
  • Invoice Milestones: This chart shows the monetary amount of inventory milestones, detailed for the current month and the next three months. This provides a view of upcoming invoice milestones.
  • Revenue Milestones: This chart shows the monetary amount of revenue milestones, detailed for the current month and the next three months. This provides a view of upcoming revenue milestones.