Alert When an Order Shipment is Projected to be Late - Workflow Event Handler

Use this event handler to automatically notify mobile users when an order is projected to be shipped late. To receive this alert, mobile users must subscribe to ProjectedLateShipAlert. The notification will be an external email and a message sent to the CloudSuite Business Inbox form.

This is the text of the notification that is sent:

To: sluser
Subject: Projected Late Ship Alert
Body: Order shipping for order CoNum and line CoLine and release CoRelease with due date DueDate and due date projected DateProjected will be shipped late.

Variable Information

Variable Description
sluser The mobile user who subscribes to this alert. The user's primary email address (from the Users form) is used.
CoNum The order number of the order that will be shipped late.
CoLine The line number of the order that will be shipped late.
CoRelease The release number of the order that will be shipped late.
DueDate The original due date of the order that will be shipped late.
DateProjected The projected date of the order that will be shipped late.

Associated Event and IDO

The event IdoOnItemUpdate for the SLCoitems IDO triggers this notification. The event fires when there is a change to ProjectedDate on the customer order line. If ProjectedDate > than DueDate then the message is sent.

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