My Contract Delivery Performance
This widget displays the count of contract deliveries for the programs assigned to the program manager, in the form of a donut chart. The contract deliveries are categorized based on the status (Past Due, At Risk, Delivered On Time, Delivered Late, and Expected On Time).
Note: Only the programs associated with the currently logged in Program
Manager, are displayed.
To view the count of contract deliveries with a particular status, you can rest the pointer on a slice of the donut chart. You can view the total count of contract delivery performance in the middle of the donut chart.
You can select a program from the list to view all the contracts related to that program.
Note: To view the data in this widget this data must be set in the Contract Deliverables Monitor (tppdm7100m400) session.
- The Status field must be set to Active or Release to Warehousing.
- The Contract Delivery Date must be 30 days after the current date.
- The Type field must be set to value other than Maintenance.
- The Confirmed Delivery Date, Planned Delivery Date and Planning Exception fields must be defined.