Project Revenue vs Cost

This widget displays the total approved and posted revenue amount, costs, and margins (revenue minus cost) in the form of bar chart. The revenue, cost and margin amounts are displayed when you rest the pointer on the bar chart.

Note: To view the data in this widget, you must be assigned the Project Manager role in the Projects (tppdm6100m000)session and at least one project must be assigned to you.

You can click the Margin option to view the percentage variance between the revenue and the cost in the form bar chart. When you click View all the Interim Results (tpppc3150m000) session is displayed.

The data in this widget is retrieved from theInterim Results (tpppc3150m000) session if the Scenario field is set to Primary for the selected Project.

The Revenue Posted amount is defaulted from the Revenue Recognized field if the Revenue and Cost Posted check box is selected. The Cost Posted amount is defaulted from the Cost of Sales Recognized field if the Revenue and Cost Posted check box is selected.

The Revenue Approved amount is defaulted from the Revenue Recognized field if the Approved check box is selected and Revenue and Cost Posted check box is cleared. The Cost Approved amount is defaulted from the Cost of Sales Recognized field if the Approved check box is selected and Revenue and Cost Posted check box is cleared.

Note: The currency of the first value specified for the Amount field in the Cost of Sales Recognized section, on the Multi Currency tab is considered as the home currency for Cost Posted. The value of home currency is based on the Company selected by the Project Accountant in the User Settings.