On Your Radar

This widget displays all the urgent and important tasks that a Program Manager must perform.

The widget comprises of matrices that display the count of urgent and important tasks. You can click a matrix to view the data related to these tasks in the Required Actions widget. These are the available matrices:

  • Upcoming deliverables: This matrix displays the count of contracts lines for which the Planned Delivery Date is within the next 30 days from the current date. The data in the Required Actions widget is displayed based on the project for which contracts are assigned to the currently logged-in Program Manager. The Status of contracts must be set to Free, Active or Released to Warehousing in the Contract Deliverables Monitor (tppdm7100m400) session to view the data in the Required Actions widget.
  • Late supply orders: This matrix displays the count of purchase orders and production orders for which a project is specified. The data in the Required Actions widget is displayed based on the contracts assigned to the currently logged-in Program Manager.

    You can view the Purchase Orders for which:

    • The Planned Receipt Date must be 30 days after the current date.
    • The Confirmed Receipt Date later than the Planned Receipt Date.
    • The Status of the purchase order is set to Approved, Sent, In Process or Modified and the Confirmed Receipt Date is specified in the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session.

    You can view the Production Orders for which:

    • The Planned Delivery date is within the next 30 days from the current date.
    • The Confirmed Delivery date is later than the Planned Delivery date.
    • The Status of the production order is set to Printed, Active, Released or Modified and the Confirmed Delivery date is specified in the Production Order (tisfc0101m100) session.
  • Non-conformance material reports: This matrix displays the count of non-conformance material reports for which a project is specified. The data in the Required Actions widget is displayed based on the project for which contracts are assigned to the currently logged-in Program Manager. The Status of the NCMR must be set to Open, Submitted or Assigned in the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session to view the data in the Required Actions widget.
  • Engineering Changes: This matrix displays the count of engineering changes for projects. The data in the Required Actions widget is displayed based on the project for which contracts are assigned to the currently logged-in Program Manager. The Status of the engineering changes must be set to Created, or In Progress in the Business Process (pdwfl1600m000) session to view the data in the Required Actions widget.