Allocated Project Costs

This widget displays allocated and overhead costs for all projects, in the form of a donut chart. The projects are categorized based on the status (Materials, Labor, Equipment, Subcontracting, Sundry Costand Overhead). To view the count of contract deliveries with a particular status, you can rest the pointer on a slice of the donut chart. You can view the total count of allocated project costs in the middle of the donut chart.

Click the Search icon to select a project, the data is displayed on the donut chart for the selected project.

Note: Only the project associated with the currently logged in Project Manager, are displayed.

You can select Total cost or Total overhead cost from the list.

  • Total cost: The total cost for project expenses include all incurred costs throughout the duration of the project. When you click the donut chart theCost Transactions (tpppc2100m000) session is displayed for the selected status.
    Note: You can also select View all to view the data for the statuses in the Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000) session.
  • Total overhead cost: The total overhead cost for project expenses includes all indirect costs associated with a project. When you click the donut chart for the total overhead cost theOverhead Cost Transactions (tpppc6100m000) session is displayed for the selected status.
    Note: You can also select View all to view the data for the statuses in the Overhead Cost Transactions (tpppc6100m000) session.