Aging Analysis

This widget displays the balance amount of business partners from the latest aging. You can view the total balance amount of all business partners in the center of the donut chart. Each slice represents an aging time period as per the definition in Infor LN. For example, the time period can be:

  • Current
  • 30 - 60 days
  • 60 - 90 days
  • > 90 days

When you rest the pointer on a slice, the amount is displayed with the respective aging time period. You can click the donut slice to view the details of suppliers along with aging amount and the count of invoices within that aging time period. You can search for a specific record by supplier code, name or amount using the Search field. You can select the number of records that must be displayed per page using the drop down. When you click the Supplier code, the Aging Analysis Details (tfacp2522m100) session is displayed. You can also drillback to the Payables Aging Analysis (tfacp2620m000) session to view the full list of supplier details.