Inventory Manager

This workspace is provided as a standard page and is aimed at the inventory manager role. This workspace gives a high-level view of inventory information based on LN data.

These widgets are available in this workspace:

Used to set the filters to view the required data. Data is displayed based on these filters:
  • Logistic company
  • Site
  • Warehouse
  • Period
Inventory Value
Indicates the current inventory value for the selected warehouse.
Capacity Utilization
Indicates the total storage capacity value and utilized value of the warehouse.
Potential Stock Shortages
Indicates the inventory levels and potential stock shortage for items in the warehouse.
Inventory Aging
Indicates the age (period) of the inventory for items in a warehouse or multiple warehouses linked to a specific site or company.
Days of Inventory
Indicates the number of days the current inventory level is available for the demand.
Excess Inventory
Indicates the items that are overstocked in the past period and items that may be surplus in the future.
Expected Inventory Supply
Indicates the supply of items for a warehouse.