Changing the Access As identifier temporarily

The Access As identifier is used to indicate ownership and modification rights over various controlled system objects and metadata (including most IDO metadata).

As a rule, you should not change the Access As identifier; and we strongly discourage doing so, unless you are a business partner with a definite need to have your own Access As identifier. There are, however, times when you might need to change it temporarily in order for something else on your system to work.

The procedure to change the Access As identifier for your system can only be performed by an authorized user with Site Developer or Vendor editing permissions.

Note: This procedure is intended for cases where a temporary, short-term change to the Access As identifier is needed. This is typically to change the value from whatever your current Access As identifier is to "Core", to make what amounts to a Vendor-level change. To change it permanently, the procedure is similar. See Changing the Access As identifier.
  1. Launch the Access As form.
    If you are using a source control system, DO NOT check out the form, but indicate that yes, you do want to modify the form (without checking it out).
  2. Go into the designer.
    In the web client, this is the Web Designer. In the Windows client, it is Design Mode.
  3. Select the AccessAsEdit component.
  4. On the Component property sheet, expand the Behavior group of properties.
  5. Reset the Read-Only/Disable property to False.
  6. Save the form and exit the designer.
  7. In the Access As field, change the identifier value to Core (or whatever other temporary Access As value is required).
  8. Save the Access As form, but, if you are using source control, do not check the form in.

This change lasts until you change it back or end your session, and any work you do that requires the Access As identifier you specified, uses the temporary value. As long as you do not check in the changed Access As form, the system reverts to the normal value the next time you log in.

Assuming you are temporarily changing the Access As identifier to accomplish another task, remember to change it back when you are finished with whatever you needed to change the Access As identifier for. You can do that by performing this procedure again, or simply by reverting it to the original source control version.