SQL Tables

Use this form, along with the SQL Columns and SQL Tables Constraint forms, to create, modify, or delete custom SQL database tables, or to add custom columns to existing tables.

You can add, but do not delete or modify existing base application tables or columns. Doing so can cause system instability.
Note: You system administrators can use the Metadata Access Controls form to restrict access to core SQL tables. You cannot modify SQL tables that are set to Locked in the Metadata Access Controls form. You can view SQL tables that are set to Read Only but you cannot modify them. You can view and modify SQL tables that are set to Unlocked.

For new custom tables, the required system columns such as CreateDate and CreatedBy are automatically added, and triggers are automatically generated. You can also indicate whether the table includes a multi-site column. Finally, from this form, you can access the Edit Stored Procedure form, which you can use to create an extension to certain stored procedures.

After you create the custom tables or columns, you can create custom IDOs, IDO extension classes, or events that use the tables and columns.