Specifying validation value types for process defaults

You can use the Process Default Names form to view a complete list of the process defaults available on the system. You can also use the same form to register new process defaults that are available and to specify the types of values that are considered valid for each process default.

Note: Predefined process defaults—that is, process defaults that are included with your Mongoose-based application—already have appropriate validation types specified for each process default. You need this procedure only if you are creating your own custom process defaults.
  1. Open the Process Default Names form.
  2. Go to the auto-insert row, or press Ctrl+N.
  3. In the ID field, enter the identification number (positive integer) of the process default for which you are specifying a validation type.
    Note: Unless you are an Infor (Vendor) developer, use a value in this field that is equal to or greater than 10,000.
  4. In the Default Name field, enter the name of the process default for which you are specifying validation value types.
    Note: This name is case-sensitive. For example, "Test" as a process default name is not the same as "test".
  5. To allow validation of the value being used for this process default during user login, select the Enable Validation option.
  6. If you selected the Enable Validation option in the previous step, specify from these options the type of values that are considered valid:
    This option considers all alphabetic and numeric values to be potentially valid. Most special characters are allowed. The special characters that are NOT allowed include these characters: ^  $  +  =  <  >  `  ~ 

    As an example, the Report paper size process default uses this option for validation.

    This option allows only non-negative integers.

    As an example, the Round Robin Batch Size process default uses this option for validation.

    In List
    This option considers only members of the list, as defined here, to be valid values. Any values used on the Process Defaults form must match exactly one of the values from this list. Any other value used for the process default generates an error on login.

    The majority of on/off (or yes/no or true/false) toggle-type process defaults use this type of validation.

    Regular Expression
    This option allows the use of any regular expression. The possible limitation of this option is that the expression itself is not validated; the Process Defaults form only validates the expression against the expression input.

    As an example, the FormSync notifications email address process default uses this regular expression for validation: ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}$

  7. Save.

To activate the process default on your system, create an entry for it on the Process Defaults form.