List of process defaults
This table lists the process defaults that are included with the system. Where a default value is given, it means that the process default value has not been set on the Process Defaults form.
There are also application-specific process defaults.
Process defaults are settings that system administrators can make toProcess Default | Description/Valid Values |
Admin License Module Name | This process default specifies the license module for an admin user. The default value is MGCoreTrans. |
AES From Email use Intranet or Site | This process default specifies which email address the
Application Event System is to use to send notifications. If the value is set to 1 and both the intranet and site From Email fields have values, the site From Email value overrides what is defined in the intranet level. If the value is set to 1, but the site From Email value is blank, the From Email value of the selected intranet is used. If set to 0, the originator's email address is used. |
Allow saving form runtime changes | If set to 1 (default), users can save minor
changes, such as these, to a form made during normal operations:
If set to 0 (zero), this process default prevents such changes from being saved. Note: This is different from the ability of a user
with editing permissions of Basic or higher to save a user
version of their form. This setting allows all users to save
minor run-time changes and does not require users to have Design
Mode permissions.
Allow script language selection | If set to 1 (default), form developers can
specify a scripting language other than the default for individual
scripts, effectively overriding the system setting for the default
scripting language. If set to 0 (zero), form developers cannot specify alternate scripting languages for individual scripts, but enforces the default scripting language setting (Default script language). |
Asterisk as required indicator | Deprecated. If set to 1, this process default causes the Static labels on all required fields to display an asterisk (*). This process default has generally been superseded by the use of themes and by the "Infor" theme in particular. |
Browser Component BG Render Interval | This process default can be needed when
running a report that contains browser-based components as a
background task. These browser-based components include components
such as charts or gauges. This is because the chart or gauge can be
not finished rendering before the report is processed. This process default, then, allows you to set an extra amount of time, in milliseconds, for the components to render before the report is submitted for processing. This process default causes the Static labels on all required fields to display an asterisk (*). If no other value is specified, a default value of 1000 milliseconds is used. |
Browser inactivity lock minutes | A positive integer in the
Value column specifies how many minutes to allow a
user session to remain idle before locking the user out. For
example, if this process default is set to 30, then, if a user were to leave
the computer with the session still running, after 30 minutes of
inactivity, the computer is locked. To resume the session, the user
must enter the user password. If this process default value is set to 0 (default), the system does not lock users out of a session because of inactivity. |
Check for New Message Interval | This process default determines the interval, in minutes, at which the system checks
the Inbox for new messages, and sends a
notification. This process default value must be a positive integer. |
Client Diagnostic send to LogMonitor | When set to the default value (0), this process default
prevents the Log Monitor Service from collecting messages of type
. If this process default is set to 1, messages of type are included in data collection and can be displayed in the Log Monitor stand-alone utility. If the timer labeled Send Diagnostics Log Until Time expires, this process default automatically resets to 0. |
Client minutes to ping session | This process default
determines the interval, in minutes, at which clients are to send
ping messages to the IDO layer, to indicate that the client is still
connected and working. This process default is closely related to the Minutes to close orphan sessions process default. |
Collection read mode | This process default specifies the global transaction isolation level to use for queries. transaction isolation level This setting affects collection-level queries for form collections and collection-level validations. This setting does not affect SQL SELECT operations or other processing coded in a stored procedure (method) call. Valid values for this process default are:
In background tasks, you can override this process default value for individual stored procedures or reports by setting the Background Task Definitions form's Isolation Level field. Form developers can also override this process default for individual form-collection specifications, in-collection list sources, and in-collection validations by setting the Read Mode property on the Collection properties sheet in Design Mode. |
Component Name as HTML Attribute | This process default is used to set
the mgShowName value. Note: When a user signs in and creates a
Mongoose web session, both the Mongoose IFrame’s URL and the
web.config file are examined for the mgShowName value. This
value then affects both the overall session information along
with extra data being sent to the browser client with every form
Conditional actions case sensitive |
If set to 1, the system honors character (upper/lower) case inputs when setting these behavior properties:
If set to 0, the the system ignores character case when setting these behavior properties. |
DateTime in Client Time Zone | This process default is used to display time in the user's local time zone. If set to 0 (zero), time is displayed based on the database site time zone. If set to 1 (default), time conversion is applied based on your local time zone. You can set your Local Time Zone on the Users form's Login Information tab or on the User Information form. |
Default script language | This process default
specifies the default scripting language for custom form or global
scripts. Valid values are:
Enable audit logging | This process default specifies whether messages are entered in the audit log. Valid values are:
If the audit log is on, messages are automatically sent to the log when users log on and when they open a form. Messages for other events can be generated if developers create event handlers of the Add Entry to Audit Log response type. |
Enable Inbound BOD Prioritization | This process default is used to
enable the prioritization of the incoming BODs processing.
Enable Remote Logging | This process default is used to view message logs remotely. Valid
values are:
Message logs are collected, stored, and displayed in the Log Monitor form. We recommend that you disable this process default when not in use. |
Enforce prefix from Access As | If set to 1, this process default enforces a
prefix on names, based on the Access As identifier, for any
This allows for automatic upgrades. Also, this process default restricts the user from updating the records of a Table Name that does not start with the current AccessAs value in the In the Application Schema Tables Metadata form and Application Schema Columns Metadata form. A secondary purpose is to prevent users from deleting SQL tables and columns that they did not create. If not set or if set to 0, users can give duplicate names to these IDOs and components, which can cause problems when it is time to upgrade. |
Filter Validation | This process default is
used to control the scope of validation for any filters used for
LoadCollection requests. This process default has three valid
FormSync notifications email address | This process default is used to store the contact email information
that is required in Form Sync upgrades and patch command line
options. Note: This information can be overridden by the
currently available -m and
-mail command line options.
If the email address is not available in the upgrade control file or on the patch command line, then Form Sync looks for this process default value by using the target configuration. |
Framework Event Max. Recursion Depth | An internal setting sets a cap of 9 on recursive event handler calls generated by an
Application Event System (AES) event. When this limit is reached,
the system stops processing the relevant AES handler. Use this process default to override that internal setting and allow more (or fewer) than 9 recursive event handler calls from AES events. Use positive integers to specify how many recursions to allow. For example, a value of 20 allows 20 recursions before halting processing. A value of 3 here would allow only three recursions. Caution: This process default should rarely be used, and
then only for emergency or special-use cases. It is useful
mostly for very specific troubleshooting cases and should be
used only if and as directed by an Infor Customer Support
representative. A high value for this process default could
result in system disruptions.
IDO checkout disabled | If set to 1, the buttons for IDO
editing forms are always disabled. If set to 0 (default), the buttons are enabled when appropriate. |
Ignore LogicalID in SUM SecurityRole | This process default determines how the
logical ID (LID) values for a SecurityUserMaster (SUM) security role
should be treated when synchronizing user records with Infor
Inbound SUM Assign Admin License | This process default specifies whether
the admin license module is automatically assigned to all users,
while processing the inbound SecurityUserMaster BOD.
ION pulse interface | This process default specifies whether to synchronize the Application Event System inbox data with ION. If this process default is set to 1, then the system creates notifications to send to ION, and monitors incoming notifications, routing them into the AES inbox. This is part of the process required to allow end users at an enterprise that has both a Mongoose-based application and ION to see and respond to notifications and prompts from either system, in either system's user interface. |
Keep Groups in SecurityUserMaster |
This process default determines how the groups assigned to a user should be treated when synchronizing user records with Infor Ming.le:
Note: This process default has no effect on the ability to add roles to users in Infor Ming.le, which end up as group memberships for that user in Mongoose.
Keep Modules In SecurityUserMaster | This process default determines how the license module access assigned to a user should be treated when synchronizing user records with Infor Ming.le:
Note: This process default has no effect on the ability to add license modules to users in Infor Ming.le, which end up as license modules for that user in Mongoose.
Keep successful event states | If set to 1, the application event system
saves a set of state records while an event is running. If set to 0 (default), these state records are deleted. If you need to view the state history of successfully executed events, you can temporarily add this process default and set it to 1. However, the tables containing this state history information grow quickly and adversely affect performance. |
Logical IDs aliased in BOD | Deprecated. This process default was created as a temporary workaround for functionality now provided in ION. If set to 1, this process default directs that the BOD itself be searched for logical ID information, when dealing with a multi-site environment. |
Minutes to close orphan sessions | This process default specifies the number of minutes after a "heartbeat" ping that a session can remain open after it has become unresponsive. An unresponsive, or orphan, session is different from a session where the user is simply inactive. For example, these situations can cause an unresponsive session:
If a session has a process currently running through the IDO layer, the session is not closed, even if it has stopped sending ping messages. If no value is set for this on the Process Defaults form, then orphan sessions are not automatically closed. The interval at which the client sends a "heartbeat" ping is specified in the Client Minutes to ping session process default. Note: After setting or resetting this value, you must restart the IDO Runtime Service. After the restart, any new orphan sessions will be removed using the information in this process default. However, orphaned sessions that existed prior to the restart must be manually deleted from the database, using the Session Management form.
Caution: Restarting the IDO Runtime Service terminates all application sessions, so ensure that all users are out of the system before restarting this service.
Non unicode literal | This process default specifies whether the system is to treat strings as Unicode or non-Unicode strings. Valid values include:
Mongoose-based applications build queries that are submitted to the database using literal strings. The literal strings that are used are normally SQL Server Unicode strings. In the case of non-Mongoose database tables, however, it is possible that non-Unicode columns have been defined in the database tables. In that case, the 'where' clause that uses a Unicode literal string fails to properly use the indexes defined on the table, because it first converts the value in the column to a Unicode value in order to compare it to the Unicode literal. This results in an index scan instead of an index seek. This means that, if non-Unicode data is defined in a table, a non-Unicode literal is desired, so that you get index seek operations instead of index scan operations. |
NUMSORTCHAR numeric pad | This process default
specifies overrides to the default padding inherent with a
NUMSORTCHAR datatype field when both alphabetic and numeric
characters are used in an <alphaPrefix><numericSuffix> format or only numeric characters.
If default padding is overridden, this default also specifies what
character should be used for the padding. Valid values for this process default include:
where x/y is a single standard keyboard character. Note:
Objects metadata linkage | This process default specifies the name of the IDO metadata (objects) database that is linked to the application database. This is created by Configuration Manager. |
Optional Context Message Form Prefix | This optional process default defines the form prefix to make
Mongoose-based application
forms unique across all applications in the Infor Ming.le portal. The default value
is mongoose_. The prefix depends on how the form IDs are handled in Infor Ming.le. You can use the application name as the prefix. |
Outbound SUM Role LID Override | This process default is used by the SecurityUserMaster (SUM) outbound
BOD and the SecurityRoleMaster (SRM) outbound BOD as an override to
the site logical-Id for the <SecurityRole> element. The default value is empty, which means to use the "Message Bus Logical ID" for this site (from the Sites form). For a site with a message bus ID of:
The customer can specify that the security roles will have this LID:
In this case, the full security role will be:
Note: This process default is intended for use
primarily by system administrators setting up the application
for use with Infor Ming.le.
Persist WinStudio metadata cache | When set to 1, this process default causes the
system to continue client caching of IDO and form metadata to XML
files on client computers. This is typically done to allow better,
faster startup performance. When set to 0 (default), this process default disables client caching of IDO and form metadata. |
Prune Explorer Folder Callout | This process default is used to specify
a user-defined callout method whose purpose is to prune out form
names from an Explorer folder that should not be shown to the
current user. The specification must be in the form: IDOName.MethodName. Note: The IDOName
and MethodName are
determined by the application developers.
The method must be implemented by the application development team. If specified, this method is called by the framework before each explorer folder node is expanded. If you want to disable this process default, just change the name in the Default Value field. For example, you might add "Disabled" to the end of the value. |
Remote WinStudio Sessions | This process default
controls what users, if any, can sign in to using a remote session
across a network. Valid values are:
Report Batch Size | This process default is a fallback for the Report Batch Size
property if the property value is -1. If the value of this process default is not defined, a default internal value of 5,000 is used. This value is the fallback for the report forms that have
a Report Batch Size property value of
Note: The value of this process
default is not set initially.
Report max record cap | This process default specifies the maximum number of records that
users can retrieve at a time on report-type forms or DataView
reports. Valid values include all non-negative integers. This process default creates a separate record cap for reports and allows reports to query more records than queries from other types of forms. In a multi-tenant farm environment, this process default cannot be used to override the FarmReportMaxRecordCap (farm-wide setting for reports). |
Report output obfuscation | When this process default
is set to 1, all report
output is directed into this path: \\TaskMan_Path\Output Files\ReportName_GUID.FileExtension All report files reside in the Output Files folder and are distinguished by the session ID appended to the report name. When this option is set to 0 (default), the report output destination depends on report output settings on other forms. |
Report paper size | This process default
specifies what size of paper should be used when printing reports.
Valid values include most common paper sizes. This setting can be overridden for any particular report output on either the Background Task Definitions form or the Report Options form. Custom paper sizes can be defined on the Report Paper Sizes form. |
REST Token Lifetime (sec) | This process default allows you to limit the amount of
time that a web service REST token is valid after its creation. The
time limit is set in terms of seconds. When the time limit is
reached, the server no longer accepts the token, and the web service
can no longer use that token. Valid values for this process default are [blank], 0 (zero), and positive integers. Values of [blank], 0, or any non-valid value all disable this feature, which means that the token never expires. By default, this process default is not set and is blank. |
Round Robin Batch Size | This process default specifies how many
configurations/databases the TaskMan is to poll at one go. Valid
values are positive integers. If this process default is not defined, the system defaults to 1. |
Round Robin Polling Interval (ms) | This process default specifies the amount of time, in
milliseconds, that TaskMan is to pause, after one round is complete,
before beginning the next round of polling. If this process default is not defined, the system defaults to 1000 (one second). |
Save record cap override | This
process default specifies whether user overrides of record caps
persist (are saved) from one session to the next. Valid values are:
Send Context Message on Form Focus | This process default is set to
1 by default. This process default needs to be added by the user manually and not added by default. This process default determines whether context messages are sent. If set to 1, the context message is sent when the form is active. |
Service AES Originator | This
process default designates a user ID to be used when no "From" data
is available for a Send Email event action. This user ID must be the
username of a valid system user. This is typically required in situations where Send Email actions can be initiated in response to a BodOnReceive event. |
Site Reference Column Name | This process default designates a value
in the SiteRef column of a multi-site table created by the
Data Maintenance Wizard
instead of the default value, which is "SiteRef". Another purpose of this process default, in the Application Schema Tables Metadata form, is to populate the Site Column Name field, if empty, with its value. Also, the SQL Tables form uses this process default. |
TaskMan options | This
process default specifies TaskMan debug options. These options are
immediately applied to the TaskMan service and continue in effect
until you delete the setting from the Process Defaults form. You can specify one or more
of the following, separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces:
User inactivity threshold | This process default
specifies the number of days of inactivity to allow before a user
account is disabled. Valid values are all non-negative integers. A setting of 0 (default) indicates that there is no threshold; in other words, user accounts are never disabled because of inactivity. |
User Preferences Max Record Cap | This process default
specifies the maximum number of records that users can retrieve in a
query. Valid values include all non-negative integers. A setting of 0 (default) does not specify a maximum number and honors the default system setting. See the help topic "About caps". Note: Unlimited queries can adversely affect
performance and exceed the resources of the utility server and
the client machine.
This process default is automatically enabled in on-premises environments. This setting is disabled or displayed as read-only for multi-tenant farm environments where farm-wide record caps have been set. |