Using Credit/Debit Card Tokens

Use the Credit/Debit Card Tokens window to select the card tokens or add a new card for payment.
Note: This is applicable only for M3 integrated customers.

To select or add credit or debit card tokens:

  1. Click Validate Payment from the Credit/Debit Card Tokens window. The Credit/Debit Card Tokens window is displayed.
  2. Review these information:
    Card Type
    The card type such as:.
    • American Express
    • MasterCard
    • Visa
    Card Number
    The payment card number.
    The name specified on the payment card.
    Email address
    The email address of the receipt for the transaction.
    Click the Delete option to delete the required card token from the list.
  3. Click Use Other Card, specify the details and click Submit to add the new card details.
    Note: To use an existing card token, select one record from the grid and click Use Token.