Verifying user Translations for Sales Order status

To verify user translations for the sales order status:
  1. Access the CRM Mobile application.
  2. Login as the Sales Representative.
  3. Click the Synchronize Changes option to synchronize the changes with the web application.
  4. Click Sales Orders on the navigation bar. The Sales Orders list screen is displayed.
  5. Access the sales order with the translated status.
    Note: You can specify the translated text for the Open and Hold status in the Search field, if required.
  6. Click the Eye icon to view the sales order.
    Note: To modify the sales order, you can click the Pencil icon from the Toolbar.
  7. Click the Add icon on the Sales Order list screen to create a new sales order. The Sales Order Header screen is displayed.
  8. Click the Status list from the Sales Order Header screen.
  9. Click Next. The Product Lookup screen is displayed.
  10. Specify the product quantity for the sales order.
  11. Click Next. The Order Summary screen is displayed.
  12. Click the Status list on the Order Summary screen.
    Note: The user translations are displayed only for the sales orders with Status set to Open or Hold and the Category is set to Automatic.