Working with Incentive Payment

Use the Incentive Payment details screen to review and modify the details of the account selected on the Incentive Payment list screen.

  1. Select Incentive Payments on the navigation bar. The Incentive Payments list screen is displayed.
  2. Click the Account Name. The Incentive Payment details screen is displayed.
    Note: The Incentive payments with the HOLD status can be modified. You can only modify the following fields:
    • Incentive reason
    • Status
    • Comments
    • Amount
  3. Review this information:
    The account linked to the incentive payment.
    The date on which the incentive payment is added by sales representative.
    Incentive Reason
    The reason for which the incentive payment is added.
    The status of the incentive payments. Possible values:
    • Requested
    • Approved
    • Paid
    • Rejected
    • Hold
    Note: You can modify the details only when the status of the Incentive payment is set to Hold.
    The calculated amount after the record is synchronized with the web application.
    Sales Order Number
    The code of the sales order.
    Note: This field is displayed only when the incentive payment is created from Sales Order.
    Rejected Reason
    The reason for which the incentive payment is rejected.
    Incentive Number
    The number associated with the incentive payment.
    Product Swap Number
    The code of the product swap number.
    Note: This field is displayed only when the incentive payment is created from Product Swap.
  4. Click Save.
    Note: On this page, you can:
    • Click the Check icon for setting the incentive payment status to Requested. This option is enabled only if the Status is set to Hold.
    • Click the Cross icon for setting the incentive payment status to Cancelled. This option is enabled only if the Status is set to Hold.
    • Click the Print icon to access the print screen. This option is enabled only if the Status is set to Approved.
    • Click the Email icon to access the email application. This option is enabled only if the Status is set to Approved.