Adding a new Bank Remittance

Use the Add New Bank Remittance window to add a new bank remittance record in Infor CRM and send an equivalent bank remittance record to Infor M3.

To add a new bank remittance:

  1. Click Bank Remittances on the navigation bar. The Bank Remittances screen is displayed.
  2. Select Bank Remittance option from the Add menu.
  3. Specify this information:
    Van Number
    The van number of the user creating the bank remittance record.
    Reference Number
    The unique reference number of the actual bank remittance transaction.
    The amount deposited into a bank account.
    Remittance Date
    The date on which the bank remittance is completed.
    Note:  The current date is set as the default value.
  4. Click Submit.