Adding Sales Order for Order Quantity Limits

To add sales order:
  1. Select Sales Order on the navigation bar. The Sales Orders list view is displayed.
  2. Click Add. The Sales Order Header screen is displayed.
  3. Select the Account, Order Type and Chain on the Sales Order Header screen.
    • The Order Type must be set to POS Order.
    • Select the Due Date for the sales order.
    • By Default, the value in the Warehouse and Status field is selected based on the Order Type field.
  4. Click the Check option. The Products screen is displayed.
  5. Specify this information:
    The name of the product.
    Note: The value in this field is based on the Account in the web application.
    The description of the product.
    The number of quantities for the product.
    Available Quantity
    The available quantity for the product.
    Note: The value in this field is based on the Garage Open in the web application.
    Maximum Quantity
    The maximum quantity of the product.
    Note: The value in this field is based on the Garage Plan in the web application.
    Purchased Quantity
    The purchase quantity of the product.
    Note: The value in this field is based on the Garage Actual in the web application.
    Stock Quantity
    The stock quantity of the product.
  6. Click Next. The Order Summary screen is displayed.
  7. Click Check.
    • The value in the Garage Actual, Garage Open and Garage Plan must be updated in the Quantity Limits in the mobile app.
    • Sync the changes in the mobile app. The value in the Garage Actual, Garage Open and Garage Plan must be updated in the Order Quantity Limits in the web application.