Working with Sales Order Line Item

Use the Sales Order Line Item screen to view, add, or modify the line item information for a selected sales order.

The Sales Order Line Item screen comprises of these tabs:

  • DETAILS: The details related to the Sales Order Line Items can be reviewed and modified.
  • RELATED: The entities related to the item section can be reviewed and modified. These entities are:
    • Sub-lines
    • Discounts

To review or modify this information on the Sales Order Line Item details screen:

  1. Click Sales Order on the navigation bar. The Sales Order list screen is displayed.
  2. Click the required sales order.
  3. Select the Related tab and select the Sales Order Line Item.
  4. Select Details tab.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Review or modify these information:
    Product Name
    The name of the product.
    The description of the product.
    The number of products.
    The price of product.
    Extended Price
    The adjusted price multiplied by the quantity. If pallet discount is available, this is the Adjusted Price minus the pallet discount.
    Unit Discount
    The discount per unit for the account and product.
    Pallet Discount
    The discount based on the pallet quantity limit in the discount model and the equivalent pallet unit of the order quantity.
    Product Group
    The product group to which the product belongs.
    Item Group
    The item group to which the product belongs.