Working with Products

Use the Productsdetails page to view, add, or modify the information for a selected Product.

To modify the details of a Product:

  1. Click Products in the navigation pane. The Products list page is displayed.
  2. Click the product. The Product details page is displayed.
  3. Click View More to modify this information:
    The name of product.
    A description of the product.
    The product SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).
    The product family.
    The type of product.
    The brand of the product.
    The description of the product type. Possible values include:
    • License only
    • Download
    • Physical Product
    The status of the product.
    The cost of the product.
    The process of packing the products.
    The quantity of the product.
    Track Price
    Select the check box corresponding to Track Price to track prices of the product.
  4. Click the History tab to view the history of activities performed on the selected Product.
  5. Click the Files tab to view the history of attachments linked to the selected Product.
  6. Expand or collapse an entity related section to add, review, or modify the data defined for the various entities linked to the Product.
  7. Click Save. You can use the other functions from the Detail View toolbar.
    You can access the Detail Menu. The Detail Menu contains these options:
    • Sync History .
    • Accounting
    Note: In an integrated environment, you can view Accounting.